Commending Colonel Trevor Hough

Floor Speech

Date: April 10, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. NORMAN. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to recognize and commend the exemplary bravery and selfless intervention of Colonel Trevor Hough.

On Thursday, June 1, 2023, in Black Mountain, North Carolina, a pursuit unfolded involving a suspect for a series of bank robberies. The situation then escalated, as the suspect crashed on Interstate 240 after driving on the wrong side of the road, ending a high-speed pursuit. The immediate and fearless actions of Colonel Hough began after the crash when the suspect attempted to hijack an elderly woman's vehicle on the interstate as she was stopped by the traffic.

Colonel Hough, a dedicated United States Army veteran with an impressive nearly 30-year service record, stepped in. Without hesitation, Colonel Hough ran toward the unfolding danger to intervene and protect the innocent victim of the carjacking.

As the suspect attempted to steal the car, Colonel Hough managed to pull the suspect from the vehicle while two other veterans put the victim's car in park and tended to the victim herself.

With incredible bravery, Colonel Hough overpowered and immobilized the suspect on the ground. Together with the two other veterans, they restrained the suspect until law enforcement arrived.

Colonel Hough's military training proved invaluable in this critical moment. His quick thinking and decisive actions not only prevented a potential tragedy but also ensured the safety of others while on the interstate.

Colonel Hough's heroism did not end there. He remained vigilant, assessed the situation, and displayed remarkable composure in the face of potential danger to himself.

In recounting the incident, Colonel Hough shared that he noticed the suspect reaching behind his back, suggesting he may have had a weapon. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Colonel Hough acted with unwavering resolve, maintaining control until law enforcement could take over.

It is with great admiration and gratitude that we acknowledge the exemplary bravery of Colonel Trevor Hough. His selfless actions exemplify the highest ideals of duty, honor, and service to others.

This Nation is indebted to individuals like Colonel Hough, whose commitment to the well-being of his fellow citizens reflects the strength and character that make America great.

I extend my sincere appreciation to Colonel Hough and all those who stand ready to act in the face of danger, embodying the spirit of service that defines the American people.

May this congressional recognition serve as a testament to the courage and the selflessness exhibited by Colonel Trevor Hough. We thank him for his service. We pray that his continued health and commitment to this country will endure, as it definitely will.

